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A monthly email love letter, from me to you. 

Amateurs get a lot of grief in our culture. “They don't know what they’re doing,” we think. “What a waste of time.”


I disagree (obviously)… but I’ve also realized that I mostly try only the things I suspect I’ll be good at. I mostly share my work only when it’s quite polished. And I sometimes stay silent just because I’m not an expert, or for fear my voice isn’t original enough. 


The Amateur is my commitment to changing that. Every month, I write (for you!) a story about how I’ve been an amateur that month. I try new stuff, some if it fun and some of it hard. And I share my voice with the world, even when I’m not sure anyone wants to hear it. I’m unlearning the ways I’ve been taught to prize knowledge and perfection, and I’m celebrating exploration, not-knowing, process, vulnerability.


If you’re about this: sign up so I can send it to you! You’ll also get a tiny tarot card reading and some kind of visual art that I created! It’s a package deal. 


It’s a love letter ‘cause I love you. (And me. And creativity. And this project.)

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